UPDATE - One of Our Own Needs Our Help, News (Lakeshore Hockey League)

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May 23, 2019 | jmugford | 13881 views
UPDATE - One of Our Own Needs Our Help


An Ajax firefighter and mother volunteered to be a living liver donor for her colleague’s son.Nadine Young donated her liver to Jarrett Singer, 19, on Mother’s Day.


A Go Fund Me Has been set up for this incredible woman to help her and her family through this time.


18 Year Old Jarrett Needs a New Liver

My name is Mark Singer and I am a firefighter with Ajax Fire and Emergency Services. My wife Christine, daughter Jessie, extended family and I are reaching out to you in an appeal to help us find a liver donor for our critically ill 18-year-old son Jarrett. While at home over Christmas break, it was discovered that Jarrett has a large mass on his liver. To our absolute horror further testing revealed that Jarrett has a rare liver cancer found mainly in children and teens. Nothing could be more devastating for him or for us as his parents, as well as his friends and family.

Jarrett has just finished his first semester at the University of Guelph in Applied Human Nutrition. He has always loved hockey in all forms, be it ice hockey or ball hockey, and is an avid Maple Leafs fan. Jarrett played AA and AAA hockey for Oshawa Minor Hockey and went to Prague in 2016 to play for the Junior Team Canada Ball Hockey Team where they won gold.


The gym has been like a second home to Jarrett for the past couple of years and his health has been a top priority. Jarrett wants nothing more than to return to the gym and get back on the ice.


After an initial attempt a week ago (perhaps reference the specific time frame, e.g. early February because the timing of the posting may change) to remove the tumor from his liver was unsuccessful, we realized that his only chance for survival is to receive a liver transplant from a living donor. Jarrett’s need for a living donor is "URGENT" and requires an incredibly generous person who is willing to step forward and become his, and our hero.


Asking another person to give of themselves this way is very difficult for us, but this is the only way to save Jarrett’s life. So with much hope, faith and belief we are putting this appeal out there to find that hero.


Jarrett yearns to feel healthy again, watch hockey games with his friends, return to University to complete his degree, spend time with family, and experience more of the life that he so deserves. He is the most wonderful young man, who is loved and adored by so many for his quiet and kind nature.


Please help us help Jarrett to be healthy again!

Mark, Christine and Jessie Singer

Please note that we are looking for a donor with blood type B or O. If you're interested in going ahead with the process then you can fill out this UHN form (https://s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/.../Living_Donor...) and send it to livingdonorliver@uhn.ca or fax to 416-340-4317. They will screen the applicants and find the best match for Jarrett. If you're the best match, you will be contacted

There is also a Facebook page also set up for this....If you have any questions please direct them to there.
