About (Lakeshore Hockey League)

The Lakeshore Hockey League was formed more than 20 years ago, deriving its authority from the O.M.H.A.

The objective of the organization is to A) foster a maximum opportunity for youth to participate in amateur minor hockey within the boundaries designated by the O.M.H.A. and B) develop intercommunity understanding and fellowship between all participants; to play fairly under all circumstances and conditions.

Originally the league members consisted of centers operating as OMHA classified "A", "BB" and "B" centers, who geographically followed along the north side of lake Ontario between Pickering and Kingston. While different OMHA classifications, the centers participated in a single league grouping prior to the commencement of OMHA playdowns.

In 2004 the centers commenced a second grouping of league play referred to as AE (additional entry)

In 2007, with the return of Kingston to the OMHA, the centers commenced a third grouping of league play at the OMHA AA level.

In 2024, with the changes from the OMHA, the Lakeshore League will offer programming for league play at AA, A, BB and B.  The regular season will be followed by play in Round Robin series to determine teams that will represent the Lakeshore League at the OMHA Championship Tournaments.

The league consists of 190+ teams from the U9 to U18 levels.